Weekly web3.0 recap; Crypto market wrap, The memes review, Who is punk 6529, Manifoldxyz new onchain minting feature, Update and news of Deca, Sgt. pepe NFTs in Walmart, Weekly Trend Topics.

gm gm, welcome to the Blouny mag 26. Let’s see what was going on with NFTs ans Crypto in the passed week.


Weekly Crypto Recap: October 23, 2023

Geopolitical Tensions Ripple Through Crypto

Our hearts go out to those affected by Middle East unrest. The ripple effect of geopolitical tensions touches the crypto market. As relations between the US, Israel, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and China’s response evolve, stability worldwide is at stake.

Inflation Fears on the Horizon

As mortgage rates hit 8%, inflation fears loom. The Fed might spur other central banks into action, causing ripple effects. Oil prices surge due to Middle East risks, adding to the volatility.

BTC Soars, ETF Dreams Intact

Despite last week’s fake ETF news, BTC remains bullish, up 11% WoW. The SEC’s shift from “if” to “when” sparks optimism. Key resistance at 33,000 looms, with BTC gunning for previous highs.

Altcoins Shine

LINK surges 36%, SOL rises by 32% amid short squeezes. MATIC and XRP benefit from positive news. Uniswap faces challenges. Altcoins shine amidst uncertain macro conditions.

Derivatives and ETF Speculation

With increased market volatility, BTC 3m IV reaches new heights. Spot moves tilt bullish as sentiment shifts from the SEC. TradFi speculators on the CME gear up for potential ETF action, with futures basis trading at 11%.

Market Anticipation Grows

The FTX market reflects growing anticipation, with claims trading above 50¢ in the dollar. The crypto market braces for the BTC ETF, geopolitical uncertainties, and hopes for a peaceful end to 2023.


Memes this week started with 3 amazing artists as well and the starter for the season 5 of the memes was the one and only pho.

Also, the Web3@50 , one of the meme maxis has started publishing his analysis on the meme cards by season or by any other element on their onchain history and data, which we highly recommend to take a look at them to have a better looks on what is happening in the memes collection.

We are so happy to see RegularDad is back after 2 weeks of harvest and we can have a great visual on the memes, meme lab and rememes that dropped in the past 2 weeks.

Who is Punk 6529: A Pioneer in the NFT Space and a Fighter For Freedom To Transact


Who Is Punk 6529?

Punk 6529 is a prominent figure in the world of NFTs and the Web3 space, lauded for his insightful crypto Twitter threads. With a following of over 400k, he’s more than just a Twitter influencer; he’s an advocate for a better, more open Web3.

Leading the Way in Web3

Punk 6529 is unique in the sense that he’s not just about talk. While many crypto founders indulge in personal pursuits, Punk 6529 is building and contributing to the Web3 ecosystem. His OM100m project aims to onboard 100 million users into an open metaverse that’s set to revolutionize the digital world. Unlike closed NFT groups, 6529 champions openness.
You can find all of his mega threads with very very usefull insights on life, NFTs, decentralization, art, freedom etc.

Educating and Advocating

Punk 6529 isn’t just a collector; he’s an educator. He launched the world’s first on-chain university course on NFTs, offering valuable knowledge to the Web3 community. His Twitter threads and podcasts reflect a level of expertise that’s unparalleled.

Beyond the Hype

In an industry filled with pump-and-dump schemes and closed inner circles, Punk 6529 stands apart. While some industry leaders are associated with questionable practices, he maintains integrity and genuine commitment to the open metaverse concept.

Meme Cards and Openness

Punk 6529’s meme cards are open for all, using a CC0 model that encourages the community to remix and share. This openness is a stark contrast to the often litigious approach of other projects.

Since the meme cards started, the 6529.io released and a few after that Seize.io came to life to complete the memes ecosystem with a platform.

You can find any item from the 6529 collections and lately all the rememes that were made by the community. Also everyone can connect their wallet and if they have any meme card, can easily see their rank and history. This website is focusing on a user friendly UI since as the punk says, and you can see it easily, one of the biggest issues/problems in the current web3 and specifically NFTs is the lack of user friendly UI/UXs like the web2 platforms. Another great thing that has been built up on the seize.io is the TDH; Total Days Holding. TDH is the punk’s alternative for the KYC which can be a decentralized proof of humanity. plus to seize website, 6529 team have released other websites and tools for other topics like the Digital rights or NFT delegation which you can take a look at them below:



Unlocking Relatable Memes

Meme cards resonate because they reference familiar cultural touchpoints. For instance, Sgt Pepe pays homage to Top Gun Maverick. The appeal lies in their relatability or the survive at all costs by Tjo pays homage to a viral internet meme which there is a girl laughing when the house is on fire at the perspective.

Building an Open Metaverse

Punk 6529 is more than a collector; he’s a visionary working towards an open metaverse, onboarding users and making art more discoverable. His actions speak louder than words in an industry sometimes plagued by questionable practices.

From NFT Collections to Investment

Punk 6529’s contributions go beyond NFT collections. His capital investments, including Arbitrum, Doppel, and more, demonstrate a commitment to fostering a thriving Web3 ecosystem.

Punk 6529’s Legacy

Punk 6529 is not just another influencer; he’s a force driving positive change in Web3. His commitment to openness and a better future for the metaverse is setting a precedent in an industry marred by speculation and exclusivity. As the crypto space evolves, the legend of Punk 6529 grows stronger.

Here are some his most influential threads:

Punk 6529’s NFT Collections and Capital Investments

NFT Collections

1. The 6529 Museum: Home to one of the largest and most valuable NFT collections across major categories, including generative art.

2. The Memes: A collection promoting meme culture, featuring themes like “Seize the Memes of Production” and embracing the freedom of digital expression.

3. Museum of Art: A gallery showcasing iconic works from various NFT categories, including CryptoPunks, Pudgy Penguins, and more.

4. Gradient Collection: A collection of 100 items featuring interpretations of the 6529 symbol, each with unique qualities.

5. 6529 RAW: A personal photography collection of landscapes with NFTs transferred to a Creative Commons 0 license after sale.

6. 6529 Intern JPGs: A collection of 20 tokens, a reference to another NFT project, Chromie Squiggle.

Capital Investments

Punk 6529’s investments include ventures such as Arbitrum, Doppel, OnCyber, Quantum Art, Transient Labs, and UNXD. These investments reflect his dedication to nurturing a flourishing Web3 landscape. The Open Metaverse initiative and his various collections demonstrate his commitment to a more open and inclusive digital world.

An Icon for Web3

Punk 6529’s journey from the early days of Bitcoin to the leading advocate for an open metaverse signifies the transformative power of the crypto space. As a thought leader, collector, and builder, he sets the standard for a more inclusive and innovative Web3 future.

Manifold on-chain minting feature


Manifold xyz is an NFT platform co-founded by Web3 developers, offering NFT artists the unique advantage of full ownership and recognition of their work. It secured $7.9 million in seed funding in August 2021, and artists like Jay Z and Steve Aoki have embraced it. Manifold ensures NFTs are compatible with major marketplaces while emphasizing creator visibility through its innovative Manifold Creator Contracts.

Also since Manifold has been one the biggest supporters of permissionless systems, everyone can build and try new thing on their contracts and platform so here’s where the creativity and solution solving can produce an amazing work like what 0xdiiid has done. 0xdiid has recently announced that they’ve been able to mint jpgs completely onchain using the Manifold smart contracts and features which is a totally new thing to lower costs for the onchain minting, this was so huge for the art history which made XCOPY announce this feature by minting his new piece using it that you can find it below.


On the DecaVerse we passed a huge week with significant changes that can lead the Deca to the best place for sharing art and finding artists.
Deca at the first of the week announced their new home feed and environment updates. In new update users can no more post on the squares or create one and the existing squares have changed to the read only mode.
Read more about all of their UI/UX updates.

Then after this huge update they announced their new feature called mint on demand which enables this feature for artists to upload their works and create a new collection on the upload section, then collectors can easily bid on their uploaded pieces and if they accept it, the piece would mint automatically and gas will be taken from that for the minting. Artists own their contracts and others can easily contribute to any pieces by the new poster feature which helps to gather around all the derivatives and let the artist curate them and then put for sale.
Read more about Deca’s mint on demand and posters feature.

Sgt. Pepe NFTs in Walmart

Sgt. Pepe the recent favorite pepe on the web3 space has found its way to the biggest shop franchise in the world, Walmart.
Now Pudgy Penguins are the first NFTs who could seek into the Walmart stores and not the only anymore. Read more about pudgy penguins on walmart.
Sgt. Pepe had announced their new products as cold brew can containing 2 different NFTs with them that the buyers can mint them via the QRcode on each can with a limit of 500 for each edition and now they are accessible at the Walmart search box and everyone can sit back and transact to get some fresh cold brewed coffee.
Read more about the Sgt. Pepe’s journey.

Weekly Trend News:


Upland raises $7m ahead of token launch after their big failure in the past.


William Mapan’s drop named Sketchbook sold out for $650,000.


Avant Arte & CryptoPunks collaboration on printed 10k punks launched.


The second episode of the CryptoPunks’ documentary released w/ Clair Silver.


Kraken, the US base exchange, sent NFTs to the Formula 1 race.

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