Ledger Stax: The Future of Crypto Hardware Wallets


In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies and digital assets, secure storage solutions are essential. Ledger Stax, the latest innovation from Ledger, promises to revolutionize how we interact with and protect our digital assets. Designed by Tony Fadell, the creator of the iPod, the Ledger Stax combines cutting-edge security with a sleek, user-friendly design. In this article, we will explore its features, security measures, and why it stands out in the market.

Key Features of Ledger Stax

Design and Display

Ledger Stax boasts a unique and stylish design that sets it apart from other hardware wallets. Its E Ink touchscreen display curves around the spine, providing a modern and intuitive user interface. This design not only enhances aesthetics but also improves usability, making it easier to view and sign transactions.

Wireless Charging and Battery Life

One of the standout features of the Ledger Stax is its Qi wireless charging capability. The built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery, with a capacity of 200mAh, ensures that the device remains powered for extended periods, ranging from weeks to months depending on usage.


Ledger Stax supports Bluetooth connectivity, allowing seamless interaction with the Ledger Live app on both iOS and Android devices. This wireless connection makes it convenient to manage your digital assets on the go without the need for USB cables.


Users can personalize the lock screen of their Ledger Stax with one of their NFTs, adding a touch of individuality and making it a unique extension of their digital identity.

Unmatched Security

Secure Element Chip

At the heart of Ledger Stax’s security is the ST33K1M5 secure element chip, certified to the CC EAL5+ standard. This chip is designed to store private keys securely, safeguarding them from physical and remote attacks. It is the same technology used in passports and payment systems, ensuring institutional-grade security for your digital assets.

Custom Operating System: BOLOS

Ledger Stax runs on the custom-built Blockchain Open Ledger Operating System (BOLOS). This operating system ensures that each application runs in isolation, preventing a single point of failure and enhancing overall security. Every transaction must be confirmed physically on the device, protecting against unauthorized remote access.

Additional Security Features

Ledger Stax supports two-factor authentication (2FA), multi-signature transactions, and regular firmware updates to enhance security. These features ensure that users have multiple layers of protection for their digital assets..

Supported Assets

Ledger Stax supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies and tokens, managing over 500 assets directly through the Ledger Live app. Additionally, users can access more than 5,000 assets via third-party wallets like MetaMask and Exodus. This extensive support makes Ledger Stax a versatile choice for both novice and experienced crypto users.

NFT Support

With the growing popularity of NFTs, Ledger Stax provides robust support for managing NFTs on Ethereum and Polygon blockchains through Ledger Live. It also supports NFTs on other blockchains via third-party wallets, making it a comprehensive solution for NFT enthusiasts.

Price and Accessibility

While the Ledger Stax is packed with features, its premium price of $279 makes it the most expensive hardware wallet from Ledger. This price point may be a barrier for some users, especially those new to crypto. However, for those who prioritize security, design, and advanced features, the Ledger Stax offers excellent value.

Ledger Stax vs. Ledger Nano X

Design and Display

The Ledger Stax features a sleek design with an E Ink touchscreen that curves around the spine, making it more modern and visually appealing. In contrast, the Ledger Nano X has a more traditional design with a smaller OLED display, which, while functional, does not offer the same level of aesthetic appeal or usability as the Stax​​.

Connectivity and Battery Life

Both devices support Bluetooth connectivity, allowing for wireless interaction with the Ledger Live app on mobile devices. However, the Ledger Stax includes Qi wireless charging and boasts a longer battery life, lasting weeks to months on a single charge, compared to the Ledger Nano X, which typically lasts for a few weeks before needing a recharge​.


Both the Ledger Stax and Ledger Nano X are equipped with the Secure Element chip (ST33K1M5) and run on the custom BOLOS operating system, ensuring top-tier security for users’ digital assets. They both support two-factor authentication, multi-signature transactions, and regular firmware updates, providing robust protection against various threats​.

Supported Assets and Customization

While both devices support over 500 cryptocurrencies and tokens through Ledger Live, the Ledger Stax offers additional customization options. Users can personalize their lock screens with NFTs, making the Stax not only a secure wallet but also a personalized piece of technology. The Ledger Nano X, on the other hand, does not offer this level of customization.


The Ledger Stax, priced at $279, is more expensive than the Ledger Nano X, which is priced around $119. The higher cost of the Ledger Stax reflects its additional features, such as the E Ink touchscreen, wireless charging, and enhanced design.


The Ledger Stax represents a significant leap forward in crypto hardware wallet technology. With its innovative design by Tony Fadell, advanced security features, and comprehensive support for a wide range of digital assets, it is poised to become a favorite among crypto enthusiasts. While its price may be higher than other options, the peace of mind and ease of use it offers make it a worthwhile investment for serious digital asset holders.

In comparison, the Ledger Nano X remains a strong contender for those looking for a more budget-friendly option without sacrificing security and functionality. Both devices cater to different needs and preferences, ensuring that users can find a suitable Ledger wallet to match their requirements.

For more information and to purchase the Ledger Stax visit Ledger’s official website.

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