ERC-1400: The Security Token Standard

What is ERC-1400?

ERC-1400 is a comprehensive token standard designed specifically for security tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Introduced to address the regulatory requirements and compliance needs of security tokens, ERC-1400 combines several key features from other token standards like ERC-20 and ERC-777, ensuring robust functionality and legal adherence.

Key Features of ERC-1400

Compliance and Regulation

One of the primary advantages of ERC-1400 is its focus on regulatory compliance. This token standard incorporates features that allow tokens to comply with various legal requirements, such as Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) protocols. This makes ERC-1400 tokens particularly suitable for use in heavily regulated industries like finance and real estate.

Modular Design

ERC-1400’s modular architecture allows issuers to add different functionalities to the token. Modules can include features such as voting rights, dividend payments, and restrictions on token transfers to comply with regulatory requirements. This modularity ensures that tokens can be tailored to meet the specific needs of various applications and jurisdictions.

Partitioning and Freezing

The standard introduces partitioning, which enables issuers to restrict token transfers to specific accounts, ensuring compliance with holding period requirements. Additionally, ERC-1400 tokens can be frozen in case of suspicious activity, such as hacking or fraud, enhancing security and regulatory compliance.


ERC-1400 tokens are designed to be compatible with other Ethereum standards, such as ERC-20 and ERC-777. This ensures that they can be easily integrated into existing Ethereum-based systems, wallets, and exchanges, facilitating broader adoption and usability.

Creating an ERC-1400 Token

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Understand Regulatory Requirements: Before creating an ERC-1400 token, it’s crucial to understand the specific regulations that apply, such as those set by the SEC. This includes preparing detailed documentation like a prospectus and filing with the SEC for approval.

  2. Token Definition: Use tools like Bitbond’s Token Tool to define the token’s characteristics, including its total supply, name, and compliance features.

  3. Smart Contract Development: Develop and deploy smart contracts using integrated tools to ensure they are secure and compliant with all relevant regulations.

  4. Deployment and Management: Deploy the token on the Ethereum network and manage it through a user-friendly dashboard that simplifies lifecycle management and compliance monitoring.

Real-World Applications

Finance and Real Estate

ERC-1400 tokens are ideal for representing ownership in various assets, such as shares in a company or real estate properties. This can streamline the process of buying, selling, and managing these assets, providing greater transparency and efficiency compared to traditional methods.

Maritime Industry

The maritime industry can benefit from ERC-1400 tokens for secure and efficient documentation, tracking of cargo and ships, and managing supply chains. This application can reduce costs and increase transparency, making the industry more efficient and sustainable.


ERC-1400 represents a significant advancement in the field of security tokens, offering robust compliance features, modularity, and interoperability. By addressing the complex regulatory landscape, ERC-1400 enables the creation of secure, compliant, and versatile security tokens, paving the way for broader adoption across various industries.

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